Shell & Freshii
Shell partnered with Freshii to help provide their customers with delicious and convenient meals on the go.
Visual Designer
Shell & Freshii
November 2018

To let people know about the new convenient partnership, Shell needed a campaign that reached local consumers. They needed to combat the Canadian opinion of gas station food being less than high quality.
Use the beautiful food photography that Freshii has to make a set of bright and playful ads to help dispel the current view of gas station food. Pair those with fruity colours and motion to captivate viewers.

Digital Ads
I masked out the juicy food photography and paired it with bold white text to keep things bright and appetizing. The white and off-black keep things soft and the other colours are a combination of the two brands to balance their importance. I locked up the logos at the same size to ensure it read as an equal partnership. The animations showcase the food and keep the energy up with a quick and engaging reel.
Print collateral
The print coupon and postcard clearly list the locations where the Freshii partnership was available since, at the time of this project, only a handful of Canadian Shell locations were offering it.

Learning Outcomes
Large corporate brand standards can be a beast to work with. Shell’s is so extensive that their standards live on a dedicated website. There was a learning curve to finding the relevant standards for my project and finding the most creative ways to bend them. Not only that, I needed to work with Freshii’s guides and please two companies that both wanted equal visibility on the ads and collateral. It took a bit of time to please both worlds but, with some trial and error and lots of patience, we got there.